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Thé vert - Jakseol tea

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Code-barres: 8804043005822 (EAN / EAN-13)

Marques : Jakseol tea

Catégories : Aliments et boissons à base de végétaux, Boissons, Boissons chaudes, Boissons à base de végétaux, Infusions

Labels, certifications, récompenses : Commerce équitable

Pays de vente : France

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    25 ingrédients

     : Product name: Jakseol Tea Quantity 1 gx12 EA Product type : percolated tea Raw material infomaton Green tea 100 %(korea). Imer packing material: polyethylene Filter packing material nyon Item Report Number 1968062100150 Product preservation Avoid direct sunlight and seal and store already opened products in a cool and dry area. (Already opened tea is recommended to be consumed as earty as possible) .Manufacturer: Hwagaejeda/Na dong, 4028 Seomingangdaero, Hwagae-myeon, Hadong-gun Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea Return and exchange center: place of purchase or salesperson Customer service: 055) 883-2233 XThis product can be returned or refunded based on the consumer protection law issued by the Korea Fair Trade Commission XPlease report defective or illegal products to 1399 without area code. How to enjoy this product Put one pack of Jakseol Tea (1g) and pour 100ml of water in the temperature of 7080C in a cup. After 2 minutes genty shake tho toa haand drink and you will be able to feel and taste the uniqa ea (옥로 : Jakseol Tea (Triangle shaped tea bag) It is a green tea having deep and rich taste made by clean tea leaves grown at Hwagae-Dong, Mt. Jiri

Transformation des aliments

Analyse des ingrédients

  • icon

    La présence d'huile de palme n'a pas été déterminée

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:product-name, en:jakseol-tea-quantity-1-gx12-ea-product-type, en:percolated-tea-raw-material-infomaton-green-tea, en:korea, en:imer-packing-material, en:polyethylene-filter-packing-material-nyon-item-report-number-1968062100150-product-preservation-avoid-direct-sunlight-and-seal-and-store-already-opened-products-in-a-cool-and-dry-area, en:already-opened-tea-is-recommended-to-be-consumed-as-earty-as-possible, en:manufacturer, en:hwagaejeda, en:na-dong, en:4028-seomingangdaero, en:hwagae-myeon, en:hadong-gun-gyeongsangnam-do, en:korea-return-and-exchange-center, en:place-of-purchase-and-salesperson-customer-service, en:055-883-2233-xthis-product-can-be-returned-and-refunded-based-on-the-consumer-protection-law-issued-by-the-korea-commission-xplease-report-defective-and-illegal-products-to-1399-without-area-code, en:how-to-enjoy-this-product-put-one-pack-of-jakseol-tea, en:pour-100ml-of-water-in-the-temperature-of-7080c-in-a-cup, en:after-2-minutes-genty-shake-tho-toa-haand-drink-and-you-will-be-able-to-feel-and-taste-the-uniqa-ea, en:옥로, en:jakseol-tea, en:triangle-shaped-tea-bag, en:it-is-a-green-tea-having-deep-and-rich-taste-made-by-clean-tea-leaves-grown-at-hwagae-dong, en:mt, en:jiri

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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  • icon

    Caractère végétalien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:product-name, en:jakseol-tea-quantity-1-gx12-ea-product-type, en:percolated-tea-raw-material-infomaton-green-tea, en:korea, en:imer-packing-material, en:polyethylene-filter-packing-material-nyon-item-report-number-1968062100150-product-preservation-avoid-direct-sunlight-and-seal-and-store-already-opened-products-in-a-cool-and-dry-area, en:already-opened-tea-is-recommended-to-be-consumed-as-earty-as-possible, en:manufacturer, en:hwagaejeda, en:na-dong, en:4028-seomingangdaero, en:hwagae-myeon, en:hadong-gun-gyeongsangnam-do, en:korea-return-and-exchange-center, en:place-of-purchase-and-salesperson-customer-service, en:055-883-2233-xthis-product-can-be-returned-and-refunded-based-on-the-consumer-protection-law-issued-by-the-korea-commission-xplease-report-defective-and-illegal-products-to-1399-without-area-code, en:how-to-enjoy-this-product-put-one-pack-of-jakseol-tea, en:pour-100ml-of-water-in-the-temperature-of-7080c-in-a-cup, en:after-2-minutes-genty-shake-tho-toa-haand-drink-and-you-will-be-able-to-feel-and-taste-the-uniqa-ea, en:옥로, en:jakseol-tea, en:triangle-shaped-tea-bag, en:it-is-a-green-tea-having-deep-and-rich-taste-made-by-clean-tea-leaves-grown-at-hwagae-dong, en:mt, en:jiri

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  • icon

    Caractère végétarien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:product-name, en:jakseol-tea-quantity-1-gx12-ea-product-type, en:percolated-tea-raw-material-infomaton-green-tea, en:korea, en:imer-packing-material, en:polyethylene-filter-packing-material-nyon-item-report-number-1968062100150-product-preservation-avoid-direct-sunlight-and-seal-and-store-already-opened-products-in-a-cool-and-dry-area, en:already-opened-tea-is-recommended-to-be-consumed-as-earty-as-possible, en:manufacturer, en:hwagaejeda, en:na-dong, en:4028-seomingangdaero, en:hwagae-myeon, en:hadong-gun-gyeongsangnam-do, en:korea-return-and-exchange-center, en:place-of-purchase-and-salesperson-customer-service, en:055-883-2233-xthis-product-can-be-returned-and-refunded-based-on-the-consumer-protection-law-issued-by-the-korea-commission-xplease-report-defective-and-illegal-products-to-1399-without-area-code, en:how-to-enjoy-this-product-put-one-pack-of-jakseol-tea, en:pour-100ml-of-water-in-the-temperature-of-7080c-in-a-cup, en:after-2-minutes-genty-shake-tho-toa-haand-drink-and-you-will-be-able-to-feel-and-taste-the-uniqa-ea, en:옥로, en:jakseol-tea, en:triangle-shaped-tea-bag, en:it-is-a-green-tea-having-deep-and-rich-taste-made-by-clean-tea-leaves-grown-at-hwagae-dong, en:mt, en:jiri

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    : Product name (Jakseol Tea Quantity 1 gx12 EA Product type), percolated tea Raw material infomaton Green tea 100% (korea), Imer packing material (polyethylene Filter packing material nyon Item Report Number 1968062100150 Product preservation Avoid direct sunlight and seal and store already opened products in a cool and dry area (Already opened tea is recommended to be consumed as earty as possible), Manufacturer), Hwagaejeda, Na dong, 4028 Seomingangdaero, Hwagae-myeon, Hadong-gun Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea Return and exchange center (place of purchase and salesperson Customer service), 055) 883-2233 XThis product can be returned and refunded based on the consumer protection law issued by the Korea Commission XPlease report defective and illegal products to 1399 without area code, How to enjoy this product Put one pack of Jakseol Tea, pour 100ml of water in the temperature of 7080C in a cup, After 2 minutes genty shake tho toa haand drink and you will be able to feel and taste the uniqa ea, 옥로 (Jakseol Tea (Triangle shaped tea bag), It is a green tea having deep and rich taste made by clean tea leaves grown at Hwagae-Dong), Mt, Jiri
    1. Product name -> en:product-name
      1. Jakseol Tea Quantity 1 gx12 EA Product type -> en:jakseol-tea-quantity-1-gx12-ea-product-type
    2. percolated tea Raw material infomaton Green tea -> en:percolated-tea-raw-material-infomaton-green-tea - percent: 100
      1. korea -> en:korea
    3. Imer packing material -> en:imer-packing-material
      1. polyethylene Filter packing material nyon Item Report Number 1968062100150 Product preservation Avoid direct sunlight and seal and store already opened products in a cool and dry area -> en:polyethylene-filter-packing-material-nyon-item-report-number-1968062100150-product-preservation-avoid-direct-sunlight-and-seal-and-store-already-opened-products-in-a-cool-and-dry-area
        1. Already opened tea is recommended to be consumed as earty as possible -> en:already-opened-tea-is-recommended-to-be-consumed-as-earty-as-possible
      2. Manufacturer -> en:manufacturer
    4. Hwagaejeda -> en:hwagaejeda
    5. Na dong -> en:na-dong
    6. 4028 Seomingangdaero -> en:4028-seomingangdaero
    7. Hwagae-myeon -> en:hwagae-myeon
    8. Hadong-gun Gyeongsangnam-do -> en:hadong-gun-gyeongsangnam-do
    9. Korea Return and exchange center -> en:korea-return-and-exchange-center
      1. place of purchase and salesperson Customer service -> en:place-of-purchase-and-salesperson-customer-service
    10. 055) 883-2233 XThis product can be returned and refunded based on the consumer protection law issued by the Korea Commission XPlease report defective and illegal products to 1399 without area code -> en:055-883-2233-xthis-product-can-be-returned-and-refunded-based-on-the-consumer-protection-law-issued-by-the-korea-commission-xplease-report-defective-and-illegal-products-to-1399-without-area-code - labels: en:fair-trade
    11. How to enjoy this product Put one pack of Jakseol Tea -> en:how-to-enjoy-this-product-put-one-pack-of-jakseol-tea
    12. pour 100ml of water in the temperature of 7080C in a cup -> en:pour-100ml-of-water-in-the-temperature-of-7080c-in-a-cup
    13. After 2 minutes genty shake tho toa haand drink and you will be able to feel and taste the uniqa ea -> en:after-2-minutes-genty-shake-tho-toa-haand-drink-and-you-will-be-able-to-feel-and-taste-the-uniqa-ea
    14. 옥로 -> en:옥로
      1. Jakseol Tea -> en:jakseol-tea
        1. Triangle shaped tea bag -> en:triangle-shaped-tea-bag
      2. It is a green tea having deep and rich taste made by clean tea leaves grown at Hwagae-Dong -> en:it-is-a-green-tea-having-deep-and-rich-taste-made-by-clean-tea-leaves-grown-at-hwagae-dong
    15. Mt -> en:mt
    16. Jiri -> en:jiri


Taille d'une portion : 1 g


Empreinte carbone



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