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Dilmah - 50 g

La page de ce produit n'est pas complète. Vous pouvez aider à la compléter en l'éditant et en ajoutant plus de données à partir des photos que nous avons, ou en prenant plus de photos à l'aide de l'application pour Android ou iPhone / iPad. Merci! ×

Code-barres: 9312631801101 (EAN / EAN-13)

Quantité : 50 g

Marques : Dilmah

Labels, certifications, récompenses : Sans additifs

Pays de vente : France

Correspondance avec vos préférences



  • icon

    24 ingrédients

    Anglais : Dilmah is traditionally made and packed fresh right where it is grown, within days of handpicking. Dilmah is a unique family business with a commitment to quality tea making, taking pride in having its own tea gardens, printing and packaging facilities. A FRE Every pack of Dilmah tea carries a guarantee of freshness, quality and ethical production. 9a is rich SINGLE ORIGIN, 100% PURE CEYLON Dilmah is grown, handpicked and packaged fresh in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), producer of the world's finest tea. Single origin guarantees unblended pure Ceylon tea, fresh and full of flavour - faithfully consistent in character and taste CEYLON TEA PACKED AT SOURCE Packaging within days of picking the tender tea bud and leaves in the tea gardens retains freshness. Dilmah fresh tea is rich in flavour and natural antioxidants FAMILY COMMITMENT Dilmah Founder Merrill J. Fernando's signature appears on every pack of Dilmah Tea, as his personal guarantee of its freshness, quality and integrity. The 'Dilmah Family' philosophy of caring and sharing reflects the family values that are the foundation of Dilmah. More information can be found at TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURE Unlike most brands that have abandoned the traditional method of making tea, Dilmah remains faithful to authentic tea. That's why Dilmah tea tastes so different. Please follow the brewing guide in this pack to ensure that you enjoy the flavour and natural goodness in Dilmah Tea.

Transformation des aliments

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    Aliments ultra-transformés

    Éléments qui indiquent que le produit est dans le groupe 4 - Produits alimentaires et boissons ultra-transformés :

    • Additif : E406 - Agar-agar

    Les produits alimentaires sont classés en 4 groupes selon leur degré de transformation :

    1. Aliments non transformés ou minimalement transformés
    2. Ingrédients culinaires transformés
    3. Aliments transformés
    4. Aliments ultra-transformés

    La détermination du groupe est basée sur la catégorie du produit et sur les ingrédients qu'il contient.

    En savoir plus sur la classification NOVA


  • E406 - Agar-agar

    Agar-agar : L'agar-agar -mot d'origine indonésienne-malaise, référencé E406 dans la liste des additifs alimentaires- est un produit gélifiant dont la découverte a été faite au Japon en 1658 par Minora Tarazaemon mais qui est souvent attribuée à tort à Fanny et Walther Hesse -en-, ces derniers ayant découvert en 1881 son utilité comme milieu de culture en microbiologie. Il est appelé kanten au Japon où il est utilisé dans certaines pâtisseries traditionnelles comme les yōkan, ou sous forme de tokoroten.
    Source : Wikipedia

Analyse des ingrédients

  • icon

    La présence d'huile de palme n'a pas été déterminée

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:dilmah-is-traditionally-made-and-packed-fresh-right-where-it-is-grown, en:within-days-of-handpicking, en:dilmah-is-a-unique-family-business-with-a-commitment-to-quality-tea-making, en:taking-pride-in-having-its-own-tea-gardens, en:printing-and-packaging-facilities, en:a-fre-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea-carries-a-guarantee-of-freshness, en:quality-and-ethical-production, en:9a-is-rich-single, en:pure-ceylon-dilmah-is-grown, en:handpicked-and-packaged-fresh-in-ceylon, en:now-sri-lanka, en:producer-of-the-world-s-finest-tea, en:single, en:fresh-and-full-of-flavour, en:faithfully-consistent-in-character-and-taste-ceylon-tea-packed-at-source-packaging-within-days-of-picking-the-tender-tea-bud-and-leaves-in-the-tea-gardens-retains-freshness, en:dilmah-fresh-tea-is-rich-in-flavour-and-natural-antioxidants-family-commitment-dilmah-founder-merrill-j, en:fernando-s-signature-appears-on-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea, en:as-his-personal-guarantee-of-its-freshness, en:quality-and-integrity, en:the-dilmah-family-philosophy-of-caring-and-sharing-reflects-the-family-values-that-are-the-foundation-of-dilmah, en:more-information-can-be-found-at-www-mjffoundation-org-traditional-manufacture-unlike-most-brands-that-have-abandoned-the-traditional-method-of-making-tea, en:dilmah-remains-faithful-to-authentic-tea, en:that-s-why-dilmah-tea-tastes-so-different, en:please-follow-the-brewing-guide-in-this-pack-to-ensure-that-you-enjoy-the-flavour-and-natural-goodness-in-dilmah-tea

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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    Vous pouvez nous aider à reconnaître d'autres ingrédients et à mieux analyser la liste des ingrédients pour ce produit et d'autres en :

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  • icon

    Caractère végétalien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:dilmah-is-traditionally-made-and-packed-fresh-right-where-it-is-grown, en:within-days-of-handpicking, en:dilmah-is-a-unique-family-business-with-a-commitment-to-quality-tea-making, en:taking-pride-in-having-its-own-tea-gardens, en:printing-and-packaging-facilities, en:a-fre-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea-carries-a-guarantee-of-freshness, en:quality-and-ethical-production, en:9a-is-rich-single, en:pure-ceylon-dilmah-is-grown, en:handpicked-and-packaged-fresh-in-ceylon, en:now-sri-lanka, en:producer-of-the-world-s-finest-tea, en:single, en:fresh-and-full-of-flavour, en:faithfully-consistent-in-character-and-taste-ceylon-tea-packed-at-source-packaging-within-days-of-picking-the-tender-tea-bud-and-leaves-in-the-tea-gardens-retains-freshness, en:dilmah-fresh-tea-is-rich-in-flavour-and-natural-antioxidants-family-commitment-dilmah-founder-merrill-j, en:fernando-s-signature-appears-on-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea, en:as-his-personal-guarantee-of-its-freshness, en:quality-and-integrity, en:the-dilmah-family-philosophy-of-caring-and-sharing-reflects-the-family-values-that-are-the-foundation-of-dilmah, en:more-information-can-be-found-at-www-mjffoundation-org-traditional-manufacture-unlike-most-brands-that-have-abandoned-the-traditional-method-of-making-tea, en:dilmah-remains-faithful-to-authentic-tea, en:that-s-why-dilmah-tea-tastes-so-different, en:please-follow-the-brewing-guide-in-this-pack-to-ensure-that-you-enjoy-the-flavour-and-natural-goodness-in-dilmah-tea

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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  • icon

    Caractère végétarien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : en:dilmah-is-traditionally-made-and-packed-fresh-right-where-it-is-grown, en:within-days-of-handpicking, en:dilmah-is-a-unique-family-business-with-a-commitment-to-quality-tea-making, en:taking-pride-in-having-its-own-tea-gardens, en:printing-and-packaging-facilities, en:a-fre-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea-carries-a-guarantee-of-freshness, en:quality-and-ethical-production, en:9a-is-rich-single, en:pure-ceylon-dilmah-is-grown, en:handpicked-and-packaged-fresh-in-ceylon, en:now-sri-lanka, en:producer-of-the-world-s-finest-tea, en:single, en:fresh-and-full-of-flavour, en:faithfully-consistent-in-character-and-taste-ceylon-tea-packed-at-source-packaging-within-days-of-picking-the-tender-tea-bud-and-leaves-in-the-tea-gardens-retains-freshness, en:dilmah-fresh-tea-is-rich-in-flavour-and-natural-antioxidants-family-commitment-dilmah-founder-merrill-j, en:fernando-s-signature-appears-on-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea, en:as-his-personal-guarantee-of-its-freshness, en:quality-and-integrity, en:the-dilmah-family-philosophy-of-caring-and-sharing-reflects-the-family-values-that-are-the-foundation-of-dilmah, en:more-information-can-be-found-at-www-mjffoundation-org-traditional-manufacture-unlike-most-brands-that-have-abandoned-the-traditional-method-of-making-tea, en:dilmah-remains-faithful-to-authentic-tea, en:that-s-why-dilmah-tea-tastes-so-different, en:please-follow-the-brewing-guide-in-this-pack-to-ensure-that-you-enjoy-the-flavour-and-natural-goodness-in-dilmah-tea

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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L'analyse est basée uniquement sur les ingrédients listés et ne prend pas en compte les méthodes de fabrication.
  • icon

    Détail de l'analyse des ingrédients

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    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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    en: Dilmah is traditionally made and packed fresh right where it is grown, within days of handpicking, Dilmah is a unique family business with a commitment to quality tea making, taking pride in having its own tea gardens, printing and packaging facilities, A FRE Every pack of Dilmah tea carries a guarantee of freshness, quality and ethical production, 9a is rich SINGLE, PURE CEYLON Dilmah is grown 100%, handpicked and packaged fresh in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), producer of the world's finest tea, Single, fresh and full of flavour, faithfully consistent in character and taste CEYLON TEA PACKED AT SOURCE Packaging within days of picking the tender tea bud and leaves in the tea gardens retains freshness, Dilmah fresh tea is rich in flavour and natural antioxidants FAMILY COMMITMENT Dilmah Founder Merrill J, Fernando's signature appears on every pack of Dilmah Tea, as his personal guarantee of its freshness, quality and integrity, The 'Dilmah Family' philosophy of caring and sharing reflects the family values that are the foundation of Dilmah, More information can be found at TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURE Unlike most brands that have abandoned the traditional method of making tea, Dilmah remains faithful to authentic tea, That's why Dilmah tea tastes so different, Please follow the brewing guide in this pack to ensure that you enjoy the flavour and natural goodness in Dilmah Tea
    1. Dilmah is traditionally made and packed fresh right where it is grown -> en:dilmah-is-traditionally-made-and-packed-fresh-right-where-it-is-grown
    2. within days of handpicking -> en:within-days-of-handpicking
    3. Dilmah is a unique family business with a commitment to quality tea making -> en:dilmah-is-a-unique-family-business-with-a-commitment-to-quality-tea-making
    4. taking pride in having its own tea gardens -> en:taking-pride-in-having-its-own-tea-gardens
    5. printing and packaging facilities -> en:printing-and-packaging-facilities
    6. A FRE Every pack of Dilmah tea carries a guarantee of freshness -> en:a-fre-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea-carries-a-guarantee-of-freshness
    7. quality and ethical production -> en:quality-and-ethical-production
    8. 9a is rich SINGLE -> en:9a-is-rich-single
    9. PURE CEYLON Dilmah is grown -> en:pure-ceylon-dilmah-is-grown - percent: 100
    10. handpicked and packaged fresh in Ceylon -> en:handpicked-and-packaged-fresh-in-ceylon
      1. now Sri Lanka -> en:now-sri-lanka
    11. producer of the world's finest tea -> en:producer-of-the-world-s-finest-tea
    12. Single -> en:single
    13. fresh and full of flavour -> en:fresh-and-full-of-flavour
    14. faithfully consistent in character and taste CEYLON TEA PACKED AT SOURCE Packaging within days of picking the tender tea bud and leaves in the tea gardens retains freshness -> en:faithfully-consistent-in-character-and-taste-ceylon-tea-packed-at-source-packaging-within-days-of-picking-the-tender-tea-bud-and-leaves-in-the-tea-gardens-retains-freshness
    15. Dilmah fresh tea is rich in flavour and natural antioxidants FAMILY COMMITMENT Dilmah Founder Merrill J -> en:dilmah-fresh-tea-is-rich-in-flavour-and-natural-antioxidants-family-commitment-dilmah-founder-merrill-j
    16. Fernando's signature appears on every pack of Dilmah Tea -> en:fernando-s-signature-appears-on-every-pack-of-dilmah-tea
    17. as his personal guarantee of its freshness -> en:as-his-personal-guarantee-of-its-freshness
    18. quality and integrity -> en:quality-and-integrity
    19. The 'Dilmah Family' philosophy of caring and sharing reflects the family values that are the foundation of Dilmah -> en:the-dilmah-family-philosophy-of-caring-and-sharing-reflects-the-family-values-that-are-the-foundation-of-dilmah
    20. More information can be found at TRADITIONAL MANUFACTURE Unlike most brands that have abandoned the traditional method of making tea -> en:more-information-can-be-found-at-www-mjffoundation-org-traditional-manufacture-unlike-most-brands-that-have-abandoned-the-traditional-method-of-making-tea
    21. Dilmah remains faithful to authentic tea -> en:dilmah-remains-faithful-to-authentic-tea
    22. That's why Dilmah tea tastes so different -> en:that-s-why-dilmah-tea-tastes-so-different
    23. Please follow the brewing guide in this pack to ensure that you enjoy the flavour and natural goodness in Dilmah Tea -> en:please-follow-the-brewing-guide-in-this-pack-to-ensure-that-you-enjoy-the-flavour-and-natural-goodness-in-dilmah-tea


  • icon

    Tableau nutritionnel

    Tableau nutritionnel Tel que vendu
    pour 100 g / 100 ml
    Matières grasses ?
    Acides gras saturés ?
    Glucides ?
    Sucres ?
    Fibres alimentaires ?
    Protéines ?
    Sel ?
    Fruits‚ légumes‚ noix et huiles de colza‚ noix et olive (estimation par analyse de la liste des ingrédients) 0 %




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Produit ajouté le par openfoodfacts-contributors
Dernière modification de la page produit le par fabi2.
Fiche produit également modifiée par danis1597, roboto-app, teolemon.

Si les informations sont incomplètes ou incorrectes, vous pouvez les complèter ou les corriger en modifiant cette fiche.