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Cacao Nibs Grofthakkede Ø - Diet Food

Cacao Nibs Grofthakkede Ø - Diet Food

La page de ce produit n'est pas complète. Vous pouvez aider à la compléter en l'éditant et en ajoutant plus de données à partir des photos que nous avons, ou en prenant plus de photos à l'aide de l'application pour Android ou iPhone / iPad. Merci! ×

Code-barres: 5901549275254 (EAN / EAN-13)

Marques : Diet Food

Labels, certifications, récompenses : Bio, Bio européen

Pays de vente : France

Correspondance avec vos préférences



  • icon

    39 ingrédients

    to sproszkowane BIO ziarna kaka0WCa. Produktjest w 10096 naturalny oraZ orgamczny • le znajdziesz tu zadnych dodatkéw w POStacg barwrukdw, wypefruaczy, regulat0r6w, konserwantòw wych substancji. SUPER KAKAO to Wielu minerabw, witarnin oraz przeciwutientaczy ruezbçdnych dia zrnu, dlatego naiezy do rodziny prodUktéw znanych Jako SUPERFOOD. Sproszkowane BIO ztarna kakaowca magnez, bionntk roSlinny, fosf0G telazo' miedé, cynk, mangan, potas. Zawierajq r6wmez wgtarruny wy oraz duze iloSci ochronnych przeowutleruajqcych, takich jak polfenole 1 a od setek lat obecne w diecie meeszkahcôw Afrykl oraz Ameryki Pohsdmowej. is a powdered bio cocoa beans• They are 10096 natural and organic, whiCh means that you not find here an form of dyes, filles, regulators, preservatives and Other unheatthy substances. SUPER CACAO many minerais, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for your body, and therefore belongs to a farntty of prodw r food. BIO powdered cacao beans are very rich ln magnestum, fiber plants, phosphorus, tron, copper, Zinc, asstum. They also contain vitamin BI, B2, B3, pantothenjc acid and large amounts of protectrve antiox'dant h as polyphenols and flavonoids. Cacao beans are present ln the d'et of people in Afrvca and South Amersca for rs. oovTO

Transformation des aliments

Analyse des ingrédients

  • icon

    La présence d'huile de palme n'a pas été déterminée

    Ingrédients non reconnus : To-sproszkowane-ziarna-kaka0wca, Produktjest-w-10096-naturalny-oraz-orgamczny, Le-znajdziesz-tu-zadnych-dodatkew-w-postacg-barwrukdw, Wypefruaczy, Regulat0r6w, Konserwantow-wych-substancji, Super-kakao-to-wielu-minerabw, Witarnin-oraz-przeciwutientaczy-ruezbcdnych-dia-zrnu, Dlatego-naiezy-do-rodziny-produktew-znanych-jako-superfood, Sproszkowane-ztarna-kakaowca-magnez, Bionntk-roslinny, Fosf0g-telazo-miede, Cynk, Mangan, Potas, Zawierajq-r6wmez-wgtarruny-wy-oraz-duze-ilosci-ochronnych-przeowutleruajqcych, Takich-jak-polfenole-1-a-od-setek-lat-obecne-w-diecie-meeszkahcow-afrykl-oraz-ameryki-pohsdmowej, Is-a-powdered-cocoa-beans, They-are-10096-natural-and, Which-means-that-you-not-find-here-an-form-of-dyes, Filles, Regulators, Preservatives-and-other-unheatthy-substances, Super-cacao-many-minerais, Vitamins-and-antioxidants-necessary-for-your-body, And-therefore-belongs-to-a-farntty-of-prodw-r-food, Powdered-cacao-beans-are-very-rich-ln-magnestum, Fiber-plants, Phosphorus, Tron, Copper, Asstum, They-also-contain-vitamin-bi, B3, Pantothenjc-acid-and-large-amounts-of-protectrve-antiox-dant-h-as-polyphenols-and-flavonoids, Cacao-beans-are-present-ln-the-d-et-of-people-in-afrvca-and-south-amersca-for-rs, Oovto

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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  • icon

    Caractère végétalien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : To-sproszkowane-ziarna-kaka0wca, Produktjest-w-10096-naturalny-oraz-orgamczny, Le-znajdziesz-tu-zadnych-dodatkew-w-postacg-barwrukdw, Wypefruaczy, Regulat0r6w, Konserwantow-wych-substancji, Super-kakao-to-wielu-minerabw, Witarnin-oraz-przeciwutientaczy-ruezbcdnych-dia-zrnu, Dlatego-naiezy-do-rodziny-produktew-znanych-jako-superfood, Sproszkowane-ztarna-kakaowca-magnez, Bionntk-roslinny, Fosf0g-telazo-miede, Cynk, Mangan, Potas, Zawierajq-r6wmez-wgtarruny-wy-oraz-duze-ilosci-ochronnych-przeowutleruajqcych, Takich-jak-polfenole-1-a-od-setek-lat-obecne-w-diecie-meeszkahcow-afrykl-oraz-ameryki-pohsdmowej, Is-a-powdered-cocoa-beans, They-are-10096-natural-and, Which-means-that-you-not-find-here-an-form-of-dyes, Filles, Regulators, Preservatives-and-other-unheatthy-substances, Super-cacao-many-minerais, Vitamins-and-antioxidants-necessary-for-your-body, And-therefore-belongs-to-a-farntty-of-prodw-r-food, Powdered-cacao-beans-are-very-rich-ln-magnestum, Fiber-plants, Phosphorus, Tron, Copper, Zinc, Asstum, They-also-contain-vitamin-bi, B3, Pantothenjc-acid-and-large-amounts-of-protectrve-antiox-dant-h-as-polyphenols-and-flavonoids, Cacao-beans-are-present-ln-the-d-et-of-people-in-afrvca-and-south-amersca-for-rs, Oovto

    Certains ingrédients n'ont pas été identifiés.

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  • icon

    Caractère végétarien inconnu

    Ingrédients non reconnus : To-sproszkowane-ziarna-kaka0wca, Produktjest-w-10096-naturalny-oraz-orgamczny, Le-znajdziesz-tu-zadnych-dodatkew-w-postacg-barwrukdw, Wypefruaczy, Regulat0r6w, Konserwantow-wych-substancji, Super-kakao-to-wielu-minerabw, Witarnin-oraz-przeciwutientaczy-ruezbcdnych-dia-zrnu, Dlatego-naiezy-do-rodziny-produktew-znanych-jako-superfood, Sproszkowane-ztarna-kakaowca-magnez, Bionntk-roslinny, Fosf0g-telazo-miede, Cynk, Mangan, Potas, Zawierajq-r6wmez-wgtarruny-wy-oraz-duze-ilosci-ochronnych-przeowutleruajqcych, Takich-jak-polfenole-1-a-od-setek-lat-obecne-w-diecie-meeszkahcow-afrykl-oraz-ameryki-pohsdmowej, Is-a-powdered-cocoa-beans, They-are-10096-natural-and, Which-means-that-you-not-find-here-an-form-of-dyes, Filles, Regulators, Preservatives-and-other-unheatthy-substances, Super-cacao-many-minerais, Vitamins-and-antioxidants-necessary-for-your-body, And-therefore-belongs-to-a-farntty-of-prodw-r-food, Powdered-cacao-beans-are-very-rich-ln-magnestum, Fiber-plants, Phosphorus, Tron, Copper, Zinc, Asstum, They-also-contain-vitamin-bi, B3, Pantothenjc-acid-and-large-amounts-of-protectrve-antiox-dant-h-as-polyphenols-and-flavonoids, Cacao-beans-are-present-ln-the-d-et-of-people-in-afrvca-and-south-amersca-for-rs, Oovto

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    : to sproszkowane ziarna kaka0WCa, Produktjest w 10096 naturalny oraZ orgamczny, le znajdziesz tu zadnych dodatkéw w POStacg barwrukdw, wypefruaczy, regulat0r6w, konserwantòw wych substancji, SUPER KAKAO to Wielu minerabw, witarnin oraz przeciwutientaczy ruezbçdnych dia zrnu, dlatego naiezy do rodziny prodUktéw znanych Jako SUPERFOOD, Sproszkowane ztarna kakaowca magnez, bionntk roSlinny, fosf0G telazo' miedé, cynk, mangan, potas, Zawierajq r6wmez wgtarruny wy oraz duze iloSci ochronnych przeowutleruajqcych, takich jak polfenole 1 a od setek lat obecne w diecie meeszkahcôw Afrykl oraz Ameryki Pohsdmowej, is a powdered cocoa beans, They are 10096 natural and, whiCh means that you not find here an form of dyes, filles, regulators, preservatives and Other unheatthy substances, SUPER CACAO many minerais, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for your body, and therefore belongs to a farntty of prodw r food, powdered cacao beans are very rich ln magnestum, fiber plants, phosphorus, tron, copper, Zinc, asstum, They also contain vitamin BI, B2, B3, pantothenjc acid and large amounts of protectrve antiox'dant h as polyphenols and flavonoids, Cacao beans are present ln the d'et of people in Afrvca and South Amersca for rs, oovTO
    1. to sproszkowane ziarna kaka0WCa -> fr:to-sproszkowane-ziarna-kaka0wca - labels: en:organic - percent_min: 2.56410256410256 - percent_max: 100
    2. Produktjest w 10096 naturalny oraZ orgamczny -> fr:produktjest-w-10096-naturalny-oraz-orgamczny - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 50
    3. le znajdziesz tu zadnych dodatkéw w POStacg barwrukdw -> fr:le-znajdziesz-tu-zadnych-dodatkew-w-postacg-barwrukdw - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 33.3333333333333
    4. wypefruaczy -> fr:wypefruaczy - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 25
    5. regulat0r6w -> fr:regulat0r6w - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 20
    6. konserwantòw wych substancji -> fr:konserwantow-wych-substancji - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 16.6666666666667
    7. SUPER KAKAO to Wielu minerabw -> fr:super-kakao-to-wielu-minerabw - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 14.2857142857143
    8. witarnin oraz przeciwutientaczy ruezbçdnych dia zrnu -> fr:witarnin-oraz-przeciwutientaczy-ruezbcdnych-dia-zrnu - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 12.5
    9. dlatego naiezy do rodziny prodUktéw znanych Jako SUPERFOOD -> fr:dlatego-naiezy-do-rodziny-produktew-znanych-jako-superfood - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 11.1111111111111
    10. Sproszkowane ztarna kakaowca magnez -> fr:sproszkowane-ztarna-kakaowca-magnez - labels: en:organic - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 10
    11. bionntk roSlinny -> fr:bionntk-roslinny - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 9.09090909090909
    12. fosf0G telazo' miedé -> fr:fosf0g-telazo-miede - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 8.33333333333333
    13. cynk -> fr:cynk - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 7.69230769230769
    14. mangan -> fr:mangan - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 7.14285714285714
    15. potas -> fr:potas - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.66666666666667
    16. Zawierajq r6wmez wgtarruny wy oraz duze iloSci ochronnych przeowutleruajqcych -> fr:zawierajq-r6wmez-wgtarruny-wy-oraz-duze-ilosci-ochronnych-przeowutleruajqcych - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 6.25
    17. takich jak polfenole 1 a od setek lat obecne w diecie meeszkahcôw Afrykl oraz Ameryki Pohsdmowej -> fr:takich-jak-polfenole-1-a-od-setek-lat-obecne-w-diecie-meeszkahcow-afrykl-oraz-ameryki-pohsdmowej - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.88235294117647
    18. is a powdered cocoa beans -> fr:is-a-powdered-cocoa-beans - labels: en:organic - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.55555555555556
    19. They are 10096 natural and -> fr:they-are-10096-natural-and - labels: en:organic - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5.26315789473684
    20. whiCh means that you not find here an form of dyes -> fr:which-means-that-you-not-find-here-an-form-of-dyes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 5
    21. filles -> fr:filles - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.76190476190476
    22. regulators -> fr:regulators - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.54545454545455
    23. preservatives and Other unheatthy substances -> fr:preservatives-and-other-unheatthy-substances - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.34782608695652
    24. SUPER CACAO many minerais -> fr:super-cacao-many-minerais - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4.16666666666667
    25. vitamins and antioxidants necessary for your body -> fr:vitamins-and-antioxidants-necessary-for-your-body - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 4
    26. and therefore belongs to a farntty of prodw r food -> fr:and-therefore-belongs-to-a-farntty-of-prodw-r-food - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.84615384615385
    27. powdered cacao beans are very rich ln magnestum -> fr:powdered-cacao-beans-are-very-rich-ln-magnestum - labels: en:organic - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.7037037037037
    28. fiber plants -> fr:fiber-plants - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.57142857142857
    29. phosphorus -> fr:phosphorus - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.44827586206897
    30. tron -> fr:tron - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.33333333333333
    31. copper -> fr:copper - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.2258064516129
    32. Zinc -> en:zinc - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.125
    33. asstum -> fr:asstum - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 3.03030303030303
    34. They also contain vitamin BI -> fr:they-also-contain-vitamin-bi - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.94117647058824
    35. B2 -> en:e101 - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: yes - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.94117647058824
    36. B3 -> fr:b3 - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.77777777777778
    37. pantothenjc acid and large amounts of protectrve antiox'dant h as polyphenols and flavonoids -> fr:pantothenjc-acid-and-large-amounts-of-protectrve-antiox-dant-h-as-polyphenols-and-flavonoids - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.77777777777778
    38. Cacao beans are present ln the d'et of people in Afrvca and South Amersca for rs -> fr:cacao-beans-are-present-ln-the-d-et-of-people-in-afrvca-and-south-amersca-for-rs - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.63157894736842
    39. oovTO -> fr:oovto - percent_min: 0 - percent_max: 2.63157894736842


  • icon

    Tableau nutritionnel

    Tableau nutritionnel Tel que vendu
    pour 100 g / 100 ml
    Énergie 1 356 kj
    (324 kcal)
    Matières grasses 11 g
    Acides gras saturés 6,8 g
    Glucides 13,4 g
    Sucres 1 g
    Fibres alimentaires ?
    Protéines 27,2 g
    Sel 0,08 g
    Fruits‚ légumes‚ noix et huiles de colza‚ noix et olive (estimation par analyse de la liste des ingrédients) 0 %





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